
Life is full of surprises.

Since I was a teenager I realized that life is going to throw you curve balls left, right and center. Sometimes it will be great, sometimes it will be absolutely horrible.

The good times will always be awesome. It will bring good stress to your body, excitement and also help you change in many positive ways.

The bad times time are what make you grow, they are what challenge you and what make you who you are. When I was younger I lost close family members to me, and I was diagnosed with a life long disease. It was like my life got thrown up in the air and hit with a baseball bat, just to find it in so many pieces, in different dimensions! I broke down a bit, and I fell off a few cliffs (metaphorically) but in the end, I came out stronger and now I feel like I can do anything in life.

Many people are so scared of change, but I say bring it on! When you go through change, you experience life, you feel the highs and lows of emotions and you feel alive!

Last year (April 2017) I decided that my life wasn’t enough so I packed my bags, got a transfer with my job and I moved across the country! Now, one year later, I’m restless! I am moving again, to a small town so I can ski, be outside and live a life of adventure.

Next year, who knows, maybe I’ll move to Costa Rica, or New Zealand!

Life is going to crush you, break you, rip you to shreds and test you every single day. It’s about how you react and handle these situations that make you a stronger person, and it’s going to help you get through the tough times easier.

That being said. Life is filled with love, beauty and excitement and finding those will make a person truly happy in life.

Go after change, make your life something absolutely amazing and be happy!